Monday, 22 November 2010


Here are the jpeg conversions of my final Contents Page and Magazine Front Cover.
After getting feedback from the teacher, I was able to make some final editing changes to the front cover and contents page, and then export the file to save it as a final jpeg format.

Overall, I am very pleased with how my preliminary task products have turned out, considering I had little knowledge of InDesign computer program before I start my AS Media course. I have been able to use the program to create a professional looking document, which I am proud of. I feel that I have used various elements of college life to inspire the front cover. However, I do think that it isn't as professional as I would have liked, due to a few appearance issues I'm not entirely happy with, but this leaves room for improvement for my Main Task, and this I will work on.

Looking at my Contents Page as a whole, I am also very pleased with the end result. I am pleased with the way that it directly refers to and resembles the magazine front cover, and I also feel that I have used an unusual layout, giving it a more contemporary feel.
I found that I was able to use a wide range of images, both taken from the internet and taken from a first hand source (myself taking the photos around college site).
If I was to improve the contents page in a particular way, I would experiment with background shading, to see if this improved the visual appearance in any way. However, I am pleased with it as it stands. To improve for the upcoming main Magazine creation task, I will make sure that I experiment with backgrounds to widen my knowledge.

Overall, I feel that my products incorporate all I intended them to, and therefore I am pleased with them.

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