Monday, 7 March 2011

Double Page Spread Progression

Today I solely worked on the content, layout and aesthetics of the double page spread for my music magazine. Having already drafted up a rough copy of the writing content of the article, I was able to proof read the draft as I typed it into columns on the double page spread. As I was doing this, I played around with font types of the typography, in order to find one most aesthetically suitable to the article and the other fonts used on the page already. After deciding on a font that mimics an old-fashioned typewriter style, I then adjusted the margins of the height and widths of the text columns, in order to create the best visual layout across the 2 pages. Using the placement of the main image, I decided to carry over the surplus text to the right hand page and place it underneath the image. After looking more closely at the layout, I decided to add some text in the form of a caption for the image, which relates to the nature of the article and also add some brighter, more emphasised pull quotes in amongst the text columns, which is a common magazine convention I have found from previous research in the magazine industry. By adding these quotes in identical typography to the main article title, I was aiming to create a good continuous visual image for the page spread. These quotes are dramatic and draw attention to the text, creating good readership. After editing the layout further, I then decided to fill up the negative space left over. (See next post) 

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