Monday, 28 February 2011

Contents Page Progression

 I started by editing the layout and text mostly, I then asked for feedback on it, to give me some things to edit and work on further.

After receiving feedback on a printed draft copy of my contents page, I was able to take on board the ideas given to me and dramatically improve the aesthetics and layout of the page as a whole. 

First of all, I paid attention to the negative space on the page, and decided to fill it with images with a red background to make them stand out and relate to the front cover image. I used the strict 3-colour scheme as a continuation of the image, creating an identity for the magazine and it's name.

Alignment of the text with their corresponding page numbers was an issue raised, and due to this, I was able to use the 'character' side bar on InDesign to adjust the height and positioning of the typography, in order to make the lines parallel, creating a more dynamic visual effect. I also added a few more coverlines and page descriptions to create a more complete contents page. 

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