Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Contents Page Work

Following the previous basic work on the layout and content of the Contents Page, I have been able to progress the work further and create an almost finished copy of it.
The layout I have used mirrors the image of the front cover, which is an effective tool I have found from research and it is popular with modern existing music magazines, so I have decided to utilize this in my work. I have incorporated the colour scheme into the contents page also, using a gradient scale black and white filter to create a background.

I have also used tag lines and cover lines at an angle to create a more visually interesting contents page. As the page is progressing, I am also adding some images that I have edited from previous stages in the creation process. There is still some more work to be done on the contents page, however here are some screen shots of the page as it stands:

1 -Working on the layout

2 - Adding more cover and tag lines

3 - Adding Images
4 - Adding more coverlines and changing layout

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