Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Initial Ideas - Content

Considering the idea that my magazine will be classed as an 'academic journal consumer' magazine, here is an extensive list of all the ideas for my magazine's content that could be considered for the final designs:
- Pull out plan of college events
- Student offers - NUS card discounts
- Articles written by students
- Advice columns from lecturers and students
- Job vacancy news
- Advice/tips for driving lessons/theory
- News on past events around college
- 'Arts' Showcase section
- Music Charts of that month
- Film reviews 
- 'Student Shout Outs' - Messages from students themselves
- Student Voice/Union page
- Sports page
- Photo collage page - people's photography and art work
- Student calendar for each month - pull outs
- Events outside college 
- Advice on bars, clubs etc outside college campus

These are most of my brainstormed ideas for my magazine's content and I may consider some of them for coverlines and the contents page listings.

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