Thursday, 21 October 2010

More Experimental Photographs

These are other photographs that I took around the Southdowns College Site. I was taking photographs with the intention in mind that they would serve as a good background, central image to a College Magazine front cover, with the option of editing them once uploaded to a computer. I tried to use different camera angles and lighting to gather a range of different images, all focusing on the College activity and buildings, directly addressing the nature of a College magazine genre. For example, I took this photo of  (149) the view down the stairs of the Balcony Cafe at a downward angle, in order to give the image good, first-hand perspective of the college. It is also an image that uses the background of the College buildings to give different depths to the picture, making it seem realistic and eye-catching. The shadowing also gives the image an interesting perspective. If I was to edit and manipulate this photo, I would play around with the crop tool, making the central focus of the image the descending stairs and the building in the distance.

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